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Penalized in Google?
Unwinding Google Penalties

Mobile Usability Warning From Webmaster Tools

by: Bob Sakayama
20 January 2014

Google is now sending messages for sites that are not mobile friendly.  This is very likely a precursor to either a protocol that advances responsive sites above others, or a penalty for sites that do not address mobile.

Over the past weekend, started seeing this message for client sites that have not dealt with mobile yet:


To: webmaster of xxxxxxxxx

Google systems have tested 96 pages from your site and found that 52% of  
them have critical mobile usability errors. The errors on these 50 pages  
severely affect how mobile users are able to experience your website. These  
pages will not be seen as mobile-friendly by Google Search, and will  
therefore be displayed and ranked appropriately for smartphone users.

Fix this now:

1. Find problematic pages                                        
View a report of the non-mobile-friendly pages found on your site, and the  
issues discovered:

2. Learn about mobile-friendly design                        
There are a variety of techniques you can use to make your site  
mobile-friendly. Specifically, look for information about the issues  
brought up in Webmaster Tools:

3. Fix mobile usability issues on your site
Fix the issues preventing your site from being mobile-friendly.

Not sure how to proceed?

* If your site is built with software like Wordpress or Joomla (also known  
as "Content Management System" or CMS), read the easy steps to make a CMS  

* Read more about building mobile-friendly websites on our Developer site:

* Ask a question in our forum for more help - mention message type  